For my own mission, and for my own prophecy of music that i believe in, is that i want to play live in every city that i go to. I put the guitar and my voice with me, and scream and play my notes out so that i hope some one will hear me………the voice of roooockk!!!!!
This time i played at the main street of Edinburgh, Scottland. The street called, Royal Mile. The Capitol in the land where king and queens in the old time, made their war for some true believes of gloriness.
I just sat down. Put out the guitar. Scream my voice out with the feelings that comes to my heart. And played the songs that noone in this whole fucking world had never heard before. I must say without any ironic batting an eyelid, i love it. I just fucking love the feelings to be different…………………. It something i can tell to my God. The God i believe in.
Thanks followers……………….Rockn rooooooolll!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stan Sylvander. 20-04-2013.