Pictures from, Mela Oslo 2013.

Some pictures from yesterdays playing at Mela festival 2013.

This time I played with some great friends and musicians, MR Kandiha and Dolly, who had their musical influence from the asian pentatonic style in Sri Lanka. We played some of my rockn rooll songs, and this was actually the first time this guys really played rockn rooll live. A great experience!

Mela festival is a multiculturel festival which announce in Oslo Norway, during the summer time every year. The main reason for the festival is to obtain corporation between different kind of cultures, music and art. The festival is one of the most important culturel influences for ethnical develpoment in Oslo. Because of this, the art and music will live, and make a new world for our new citizens and norwegian habitats.

About Stan Sylvander

Stan Sylvander: Singer, songwriter and artist.
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